The History -
Founded more than 200 years ago, Richards operated what was to become the oldest iron-frame mill in Scotland and the last remaining textile mill in the 'Granite City'. It was also one of the principal employers with more than 3,000 people working in the mill at its height in the early 20th century.

Been done by quite a few before and in fact I found a blackboard with loadsa signatures on it - was on my own and was pitch black in the night - kept torch use to minimum so as not to attract attention, think I only managed about half the place - so a revisit on the cards - I spent half an hour trying to find my way back to access point - I was getting irate

from the roof - rare for me I hate heights - anyone seeing me descending the stairs on my arse would have laughed

when I found my way out - got round to the car I saw someone open a high up fire exit door and look out of the mill - wonder if they were hiding from me? that place was pitch black inside, how anyone could find their way about without a torch beats me - at one point I nearly stepped into a room and realized the floor had "descended" a level.