Visited this place with A Man Called Martyn and Cat Bones. Like Langley Maltings, it had those wonderful silos but for whatever reason they didn't sound as great as the ones at Langley. I cannot find much about the history of this place, else I'd have posted a link.

Don't know what the deal with these flies was but they were everywhere!

Deja vu...looks quite like Langley.

Part of the kiln..although given that there was a pentagram on one of the walls, my warped imagination likes to think that it was used for Satanic worship and that they put candles in the alcoves.

Does anyone else look at this and remember an old Amiga game called Weird Dreams? For those that don't basically your character will get mowed down by a lawn mower if he doesn't pass the killer roses in time.

I like the peeling paint.

This really suxe.

Planned lubrication. *Giggles.*

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