Visited with Cuban Bloodhound and Skin. We were there for 4 hours and manged to uncover some nice bits. Nice to meet you guys

To start with a few more from the main hospital, went right back through this today and I think I've seen most of it now.

My camera had become stuck on high iso unknown to me so apologies for crapper than usual pics.

The old ward in the listed wing was a very powerful place to be, you could feel the building and it memories closing in...sorry it was strange.

Princess Royal Wing

Outside with old building joining new(er)

On to the morgue, slab missing but otherwise a pristine building.

Nurses block was next followed by the old listed wings.

Nobody been in here for a long time.

Superb ciorridor action with marble memorial from hospital opening

No idea what this is but it was last serviced in 1939(!)

"Interview Rooms"

Old ward with 1930 - 1950 fittings and fixtures :-)

Hospital radio at it oldest, there was about 20 of these on the walls where the beds would have been.

Last building we checked was totally modern, pity.